Inquiring minds want to know


What is a typical day like?

Most days include three sessions of singing with David Hill, learning and polishing the week’s repertoire. Paula Rockwell, our resident voice clinician, leads vocal instruction and warm-up sessions in the morning and masterclasses in the afternoon. One evening later in the week she treats us to an extraordinary voice recital, followed by a fabulous dessert reception. There is also ample time for participants to relax, socialize and carry out their assigned chores. See sample schedule below.


How do I make housing requests?

In the late spring everyone who has registered and paid will receive a survey in which to indicate needs and preferences.


Do I have to purchase music?

Details on the music will appear here when available.

Will we perform for the Public?
Unlike many summer choral workshops, which focus on a culminating public performance, the Ogontz Choral Workshop is an opportunity to become immersed in significant repertoire without the pressure of preparing to perform.
How do Masterclasses work?

A masterclass is a public voice lesson. It is open to singers of all levels. Volunteers sign up for an afternoon time slot (15-20 min) and come to the session prepared to sing in front of other campers. Voice clinician Paula Rockwell gives very constructive feedback on ways to improve. Members of the group are invited to respond as well. It is a very positive and supportive environment. Singers are encouraged to bring music of their choosing with a copy for an accompanist if needed; accompanists will be available.
A sign-up sheet will be available ahead of the Workshop.




Other questions?

Contact Peter or use the Contact Us page.


Make a tax-deductible contribution to support the Choral Workshop.

Mail a check payable to Ogontz Arts Foundation to:
Ogontz Arts Foundation
c/o Jeff Mealey, Treasurer
451 Grandview Rd.
Sugar Hill, NH 03586